Transport Canada's "Aeronautical Information Publication" (AIP) has the following to say about CIRVIS Reports ...
1.12 Pilot Reports
1.12.1 General
Pilots are requested to make the following reports in the interests of national security, meteorite research and forest fire and polution control:
1.12.2 CIRVIS Reports
In order to extend the early warning coverage for the North American continent a plan has been developed for the reporting of vital intelligence sightings. These reports are known as CIRVIS reports.
A CIRVIS report shall be made immediately upon the sighting of any airborne, waterborne or ground objects, or activities which appear to be hostile, suspicious or unidentified. A few examples are: unidentified flying objects; submarines; surface warships positively identified as not Canadian or American; nuclear bursts or other violent explosions; or any unexplained or unusual activity which may indicate a possible attack, including the presence of any unidentified or suspicious ground parties in polar regions or other remote or sparsely populated areas.
These reports shall be made to the nearest Canadian or U.S. Government FSS or ATC unit. The first word of the report shall be CIRVIS (pronounced SURVEES), followed by the particulars of the sighting.
(Note: FSS = Flight Service Station ATC= Air Traffic Control)
Transport Canada's Air Traffic Control Operations Manual indicates the following:
256.1 Forward any CIRVIS report received to the appropriate area control centre.
256.2 Area control centres shall forward any CIRVIS report received to the Senior Director at the appropriate sector (Canada East or Canada West) of the Canadian NORAD Region.
... now for JANAP ... The following document is JANAP 146 (E) which was obtained from the Computer UFO Network (CUFON) ... I hope no one objects to me reposting it here ... This file contains the complete text of: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication (JANAP 146(E)), CANADIAN - UNITED STATES COMMUNICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS (CIRVIS/MERINT) as released on February 28, 1994 by the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense. The regulation is complete including "change No. 2", promulgated May 17, 1977. Only ten of the 33 pages (not including blank pages) are the "original" JANAP 146(E), the remaining 23 pages are as "Change No. 2". JANAP 146 is important for a couple of reasons: 1. It is mentioned in the "Bollender Memo" (dated 1969) as being one of the "reporting channels" by which UFO reports which are matters of national security are reported; UFO reports "not part of the Blue Book system". 2. This copy is dated 1977 and still bears "Unidentified flying objects" as one of the items which must be reported despite protestations by virtually every agency queried that ther has been no interest in UFOs since the USAF Project Blue Book closed in 1969. Some hand written notes appear in the released pages, and some typed text is crossed out generally by a single hand drawn line. This information has been retained: 1. [ Text in [ ] brackets is crossed out in original ] 2. { Text in curly brackets { } is hand written in original } 3. _Text enclosed with underscores _ _ is underlined in original 4. { |}, {| }, or {|} indicates bars drawn in margin (presumably indicating areas of additional change)=============================================================================
28 FEB 1994
Ref: 93-FOI-2428/L
Dear Mr. Goudie:
This is in response to your letter of February 11, 1994, inquiring into the status of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of October 21, 1993. Your October request has been referred to the Organization of the Joint Staff (JS) for items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. The JS has provided the enclosed document as responsive to item 5 of your request. The Organization of the Joint Staff (JS) is still working on the remainder of your request and as soon as they complete their review we will be able to complete your request. You may contact us at any time and inquire as to the status of your request. The telephone number is (703) 697-4026.
W. M. McDonald
Freedom of Information
and Security Review
============================================================================= [ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ] JANAP 146(E) { UNCLASSIFIED } CANADIAN - UNITED STATES COMMUNICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS (CIRVIS/MERINT) JANAP 146(E) THIS PUBLICATION CONTAINS US MILITARY INFORMATION AND RELEASE TO OTHER THAN US MILITARY AGENCIES WILL BE ON A NEED-TO KNOW BASIS. THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON, D.C., 20301 MARCH 1966 [ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ] CHANGE NO. 2 { UNCLASSIFIED } (REVERSE BLANK) ============================================================================= CHANGE NO. 2 to JANAP 146(E) THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF Washington, D.C. 20301 17 May 1977 US NATIONAL LETTER OF PROMULGATION FOR CHANGE NO. 2 TO JANAP 146(E) 1. CHANGE NO. 2 to JANAP 146(E), CANADIAN-UNITED STATES COM- MUNICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS (CIRVIS/MERINT), is an UNCLASSIFIED document devel- oped under the direction of the Canadian Defence Staff and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. This document is promulgated for guidance, information, or joint use of the Armed Forces of Canada and the United States and other users of Canadian and/or US military communications facilities. 2. CHANGE NO. 2 to JANAP 146(E) is EFFECTIVE UPON RECEIPT and confirms material promulgated by Message Correction 1/2. 3. Insert the new pages in numerical sequence and check the List Of Effective Pages (LEP). The appropriate entry shall made on the Record of Changes and Corrections page that this change has been entered. After entry of Change No. 2, the US National Letter of Promulgation will be retained for future reference (to be entered in the publication after the Record Changes and Corrections). This change consists of the follow- ing pages: US National Letter of Promulgation for Change No. 2...1 of 2, 2 of 2 New and reprinted pages: I (Reverse Blank) III (Reverse Blank) VII, VIII 2-9 to 2-14 1-I, 1-2 3-1, 3-2 2-1, 2-2 3-5 to 3-8 LEP-1 (Reverse Blank) This document contains Canadian/US military information and release to other than Canadian/US military agencies will be on a need-to-know basis. 1 of 2 CHANGE NO. 2 ============================================================================= 4. The following pages removed from JANAP 146(E) incident to the entry of this change shall be destroyed in accordance with current Service regulations: I (Reverse Blank) Original 2-11 to 2-14 Change No. 1 III (Reverse Blank) original 3-1, 3-2 original VII, VIII original 3-5 to 3-8 Change No. 1 1-I, 1-2 Change No. 1 LEP-1 (Reverse Blank) 2-1, 2-2 original Change No. 1 2-9, 2-10 original 5. Permission is granted to copy or make extracts from this document, as desired, without reference to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. 6. This document may be carried in aircraft for use therein. 7. Correspondence concerning this publication should be addressed as follows: a. Service-originated correspondence will be forwarded through the normal military chain of command, marked for the attention of the appropriate Service communications director, as listed below, and will not be addressed to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff: (1) Director, Telecommunications and Command and Control, US Army (2) Director, Naval Communications, US Navy (3) Director of Command Control and Communications, US Air Force. b. Defense, national, and Federal agencies, as well as other recipients of this publication, should address their correspondence to the Chairman, US Military Communications- Electronics Board, Joint Chiefs of Staff, The Pentagon, Washing- ton, D.C. 20301. For the US Joint Chiefs of Staff: /s/ OWEN L. GREENBLATT Colonel, USAF Acting Secretary 2 of 2 CHANGE NO. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146(E) THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF Washington, D.C., 20301 31 March 1966 (Rev. 17 May 1977) US NATIONAL LETTER OF PROMULGATION FOR JANAP 146(E) 1. JANAP 146(E), CANADIAN-UNITED STATES COMMUNICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS (CIRVIS/MERINT), is an UNCLASSIFIED publication developed under the direction of the Canadian Defence Staff and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. This publication is promulgated for guidance, information, or joint use of the Armed Forces of Canada and the United States and other users of Canadian and/or US military communications facilities. 2. JANAP146(E) is EFFECTIVE UPON RECEIPT for US use and supersedes JANAP 146 (D), which shall be destroyed in accordance with current Service regulations. 3. Permission is granted to copy or make extracts from this publication, as desired, without reference to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. 4. This publication may be carried in aircraft for use therein. 5. This publication contains military information and is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. 6. Correspondence concerning this publication should be addressed as follows: a. Service-originated correspondence will be forwarded through the normal military chain of command, marked for the attention of the appropriate Service communications director, as listed below, and will not be addressed to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff: {Assistant Chief of Staff for Automation and Communications} (1) [Director, Telecommunications and Command and Control], US Army (2) Director, Naval Communications, US Navy {and} {Tele} (3) [Director of Command Control, and Communications], US Air Force ^ ^ {(4)} Director, Command, Control, Communications and Computers, (C), Systems Division, Marine Corps b. Defense, national, and Federal agencies, as well as other recipients of this publication, should address their correspondence to the Chairman, US Military Communications-Electronics Board, Joint Chiefs of Staff, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301. For the US Joint Chiefs of Staff: /s/ OWEN L. GREENBLATT Colonel, USAF Acting Secretary III CHANGE NO. 2 (REVERSE BLANK) ============================================================================= JANAP 146(E) RECORD OF CHANGES AND CORRECTIONS Enter Change or Correction in Appropriate Column ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Identification of Change | | or Correction; Reg. No. | Date | By whom entered (if any) and date of same | Entered | (Signature; rank, grade or ---------------------------------| | rate; name of command) Change | Correction | | ========================================================================== {#1 23 May 69 | |24 Nov 69| (/s/) J Ramirez SFC J-6 } | | | { JAFPUB 5/73 | 1/2 |12 Jan 73| (/s/) TSgt Shelton J-6 } | | | { #2 | |12 SEP 78| (initials) bw} | | | |2/3(JAFPUB | 9 Aug 83| (partially illegible) USA} | 46/84}| | | | | | | | | | | V ORIGINAL (REVERSE BLANK) ============================================================================= JANAP 146(E) TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I LETTER OF PROMULGATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III RECORD OF CHANGES AND CORRECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . V TABLE OF CONTENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII CHAPTER 1 _GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF COMMUNICATIONS_ _INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS_ 101 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 102 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 103 MESSAGE IDENTIFICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 104 PHOTOGRAPHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 CHAPTER 2 _CIRVIS REPORTS_ SECTION I _GENERAL_ 201 INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED AND WHEN TO REPORT....2-1 SECTION II _PROCEDURES_ 202 GENERAL..........................................2-2 203 PRECEDENCE (PRIORITY OF TRANSMISSION)............2-2 204 CONTENTS OF CIRVIS REPORTS.......................2-3 205 ADDITIONAL CIRVIS REPORTS........................2-7 206 ADDRESSING.......................................2-9 207 ACCEPTANCE OF AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR CIRVIS REPORTS.................................2-12 SECTION III _SECURITY_ 208 MILITARY AND CIVILIAN.............................2-13 SECTION IV _EVALUATION REPORTS_ 209 ACTION BY ACTIVITIES.............................2-13 SECTION V _COMMERCIAL CHARGES_ 210 CHARGES..........................................2-14 VII CHANGE NO. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) _TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)) CHAPTER 3 _MERINT REPORTS_ SECTION I _GENERAL_ 301 INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED AND WHEN TO REPORT....3-1 SECTION II _PROCEDURES_ 302 GENERAL..........................................3-1 303 PRECEDENCE (PRIORITY OF TRANSMISSION)............3-2 304 CONTENTS OF MERINT REPORTS.......................3-2 305 REPORTS..........................................3-3 306 ADDRESSING.......................................3-5 307 ACCEPTANCE OF AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MERINT REPORTS.................................3-7 VIII CHANGE NO. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146(E) _CHAPTER I_ _ GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF COMMUNICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS_ _FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS_ 101. Purpose. - The purpose of this publication is to provide uniform instructions for the peacetime reporting of vital intelligence sightings and to provide communications instructions for the passing of these intelligence reports to appropriate military authorities. 102. Scope. - a. This publication is limited to the reporting of information of vital importance to the security of the United States of America and Canada and their forces, which in the opinion of the observer, requires very urgent defensive and/or investigative action by the US and/or Canadian Armed Forces. b. The procedures contained in this publication are provided for : (1) US and Canadian civil and commercial aircraft. (2) US and Canadian government and military aircraft other than those operating under separate reporting directives. (3) US and Canadian merchant vessels operating under US and Canadian registry. (4) US and Canadian government and military vessels other than those operating under separate reporting directives. (S) Certain other US and Canadian vessels including fishing vessels. (6) Military installations receiving reports from civilian or military land based or waterborne observers unless operating under separate reporting directives. (7) Government and civilian agencies which may initiate reports on receipt of information from land-based, airborne or waterborne observers. 1-1 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) 103. _Message Identification_.- a. Reports made from airborne and land-based sources will be identified by CIRVIS pronounced _SUR_ VEES as the first word of the text. Refer Chapter II). b. Reports made by waterborne sources will be identified by MERINT pronounced as _MUR_ ENT as the first word of the text. (Refer Chapter III). {| }104. Photographs. - Every effort should be made to substantiate vital {| }intelligence sightings by taking as many photographs as possible. Un {| }developed film or prints and negatives should be forwarded with a brief {| }letter report and other identifying information as indicated below. {| }Film will be processed, and one copy of each print, together with a roll {| }of new film, will be returned to the individual. {| } {| } a. CIRVIS Related Photography. Forward to the Director, Defense {| } {RTS-3A} {| }Intelligence Agency (DIA/[DC-6]), Washington, DC 20301, or to the {| }National Defence Headquarters,{*}Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0K2, Attention: {| }Director General of Intelligence and Security, [Defence, Ottawa 4,Ontario] {| } {| } b. MERINT Related Photography. Forward to the Chief of Naval {| }Operations (ATTN: Director of Naval Intelligence), Department of the {| }Navy, Washington, DC 20350, or to the National Defence Headquarters, {|* }Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0K2, Attention: Director General of Intelligence {| }and Security. { 101 Colonel By Drive, } 1-2 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146(E) _CHAPTER II_ _CIRVIS REPORTS_ _SECTION I - GENERAL_ 201. _Information to be Reported and When to Report._ a. Sightings within the scope of this chapter, as outlined in paragraphs 102b(1), (2), (6) and (7), are to be reported as follows: (1) While airborne and from land based observers. (a) Hostile or unidentified single aircraft or formations of aircraft which appear to be directed against the United States or Canada or their forces. (b) Missiles. (c) Unidentified flying objects. (d) Hostile or unidentified submarines. (e) Hostile or unidentified group or groups of military surface vessels. (f) Individual surface vessels, submarines, or aircraft of unconventional design, or engaged in suspicious activity or observed in a location or on a course which may be interpreted as constituting a threat to the United States, Canada or their forces. (g) Any unexplained or unusual activity which may indicate a possible attack against or through Canada or the United States, includ- ing the presence of any unidentified or other suspicious ground parties in the Polar Region or other remote or sparsely populated areas. (2) Upon landing. (a) Reports which for any reason could not be trans- mitted while airborne. (b) Unlisted airfields or facilities, weather stations, or air navigation aids. 2-1 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) (c) Any airborne, seaborne, ballistic or orbiting {| }object which, the observer feels, may constitute a military threat {| }against the US or Canada, or may be of interest to military and civilian {| }government officials. _SECTION II - PROCEDURES_ 202. _General._ a. Communications procedures to be employed will be basically those prescribed for the communications system or service used. Con- tinuing efforts will be made by an aircraft originating a CIRVIS report to insure that each CIRVIS message is received by an appropriate station. b. Every attempt will be made to verify the authenticity of CIRVIS reports. Where possible, authentication will be required. {| } c. The US Air Force, Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR), for {| }such matters is the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence (AFIN), {| }Washington, DC 20330. 203. _Precedence (priority of transmission)._ a. To avoid delays by aircraft in rendering a CIRVIS report to a ground facility, the word "CIRVIS" spoken or transmitted three (3) times will be employed, preceding the call, to clear the frequency(ies) over all other communications, except DISTRESS and URGENCY, to insure its expeditious handling. b. Should instances occur, when use of the above procedure fails to clear the frequency(ies) over all other communications in progress except as provided for in 203a, the International Urgency Signal "XXX" transmitted three (3) times or "PAN" spoken three (3) times will be employed to facilitate disposition of the message to the receiving faci- lity. c. When filing or refiling CIRVIS messages with commercial communi- cations companies, US Government activities will use commercial class of service designator XV GOVT/EMERGENCY, Canadian Government activities will use commercial class of service designator RUSH. d. The following precedence will be employed in the transmission of all CIRVIS reports, as appropriate, commensurate with the communica- tions facilities used: Circuit clearance CIRVIS CIRVIS CIRVIS 2-2 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) International Urgency Signal XXX XXX XXX or PAN PAN PAN Military precedence Z or FLASH Commercial Class of XV GOVT/EMERGENCY Service Indicator for US Government activities or RUSH for Canadian Govern- ment activities (to be used only when refiled with commercial companies) 204. _Contents of CIRVIS Reports._ a. Airborne CIRVIS reports will be similar to routine aircraft position reports transmitted by either radiotele- phone or radiotelegraph. The appropriate procedures t be employed will be those applicable to communications facil- ities utilized. the reports should contain the information detailed below, when appropriate, and in the order listed. b. When reporting identifiable objects: (1) CIRVIS Report. (2) Identification of reporting aircraft or observer as appropriate. (3) Object sighted. Give brief description of the sighting which should contain the following items as appropriate. (a) Number of aircraft, vessels, missiles, submarines, etc. (b) Category of object, general description. e.g., size, shape, type of propulsion, etc. (4) The position of the object. This can be in- dicated by any of the following methods: (a) Latitude and Longitude. (b) Over a radio fix. 2-3 ORIGINAL ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) (c) True bearing and distance from a radio fix. (d) Over a well-known or well-defined geographic point. (5) Date and time of sighting (GMT). (6) Altitude of object. (7) Direction of travel of object. (8) Speed of object. (9) Any observed identification, insignia, or other significant information. Every reasonable effort should be made to positively identify the object sighting. c. When reporting unidentifiable objects: (1) CIRVIS Report. (2) Identification of reporting aircraft or observer as appropriate. (3) Object sighted. Give brief description of the object which should contain the following items: (a) Shape. (b) Size compared to a known object (use one of the following terms: Head of a pin, pea, dime, nickel, quarter, half dollar, silver dollar, base- ball, grapefruit, or basketball) held in the hand at about arm's length. (c) Color. (d) Number. (e) Formation, if more than one. (f) Any discernible features or details. (g) Tail, trail, or exhaust, including size of same compared to size of object. (h) Sound. If heard, describe sound. 2-4 ORIGINAL ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) (i) Other pertinent or unusual features. (4) Description of Course of Object: (a) What first called the attention of observer(s) to the object? (b) Angle or elevation and azimuth of object when first observed. (c) Angle or elevation and azimuth of object upon disappearance. (d) Description of flight path and maneuvers of object. (e) How did the object disappear? (Instanta- neously to the North, etc.) (f) How long was the object visible? (Be specif- ic, 5 minutes, 1 hour, etc.) (5) Manner of Observation: (a) Use one or any combination of the following items: Ground-visual, ground-electronic, air elec- tronic. (If electronic, specify type of radar.) (b) Statement as to optical aids (telescopes, binoculars, etc.) used and description thereof. (c) If the sighting is made while airborne, give type of aircraft, identification number, altitude, heading, speed, and home station. (6) Time and Date of Sighting: (a) Zulu time-date group of sighting. (b) Light conditions. (Use one of the following terms: Night, day, dawn, dusk.) (7) Location of Observer(s). Exact latitude and longitude of each observer, and/or geographical position. A position with reference to a known landmark also should be given in electrical reports, such as "2mi N of Dee- ville;" "3mi SW of Blue Lake." Typographical errors 2-5 ORIGINAL ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) or "garbling" often result in electrically transmitted messages, making location plots difficult or impossible. (8) Weather and Winds - Aloft Conditions at Time and Place of Sightings: (a) Observer(s) account of weather conditions. (b) Report from nearest AWS or U.S. Weather Bureau Office of wind direction and velocity in degrees and knots at surface, 6,000', 10,000', 16,000', 20,000', 30,000', 50,000', and 80,000' if available. (c) Ceiling. (d) Visibility. (e) Amount of cloud cover. (f) Thunderstorms in area and quadrant in which located. (g) Temperature gradient. (9) Any other unusual activity or condition, me- teorological, astronomical, or otherwise, which might account for the sighting. (10) Interception or identification action taken (such action may be taken whenever feasible, complying with existing air defense directives). (11) Location, approximate altitude, and general direction of flight of any air traffic or balloon re- leases in the area which could possibly account for the sighting. (12) Position title and comments of the preparing officer, including his preliminary analysis of the possible cause of the sighting(s). (13) Existence of physical evidence, such as materi- als and photographs. 2-6 ORIGINAL ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) _Example of an air-ground radiotelephone transmission:_ (Aircraft) CIRVIS CIRVIS CIRVIS - KINDLEY THIS IS AIR FORCE TWO FIVE NINE THREE SIX - CIRVIS REPORT - OVER (Aeronautical Station) AIR FORCE TWO FIVE NINE THREE SIX THIS IS KINDLEY - GO AHEAD (Aircraft) FLASH - CIRVIS REPORT - AIR FORCE TWO FIVE NINE THREE SIX SIGHTED FORMATION OF SIX JET BOMBERS - CONFIGURATION IS SWEPT WING WITH EIGHT JET ENGINES - TWO HUNDRED MILES EAST OF BERMUDA ON THIRTEEN MAY AT ONE THREE FIVE ZERO ZULU - ALTITUDE THREE FIVE THOUSAND - HEADING TWO SEVEN ZERO DEGREES - NO MARKINGS OBSERVED - OVER (Aeronautical Station) KINDLEY - ROGER - OUT _Example of an air-ground radiotelegraph transmission:_ (Aircraft) CIRVIS CIRVIS CIRVIS AFA3 DE A48207 K (Aeronautical Station) A48207 DE AFA3 K (Aircraft) Z - CIRVIS REPORT. A48207 SIGHTED.......ETC. (Aeronautical Station) A48207 DE AFA3 R AR 205. _Additional CIRVIS Reports._ a. Additional reports should be made if more informa- tion becomes available concerning a previously sighted ob- ject. These reports should contain a reference to the orig- inal report sufficient to identify them with the original sighting. (Aircraft) CIRVIS CIRVIS CIRVIS - KINDLEY THIS IS AIR FORCE TWO FIVE NINE THREE SIX - CIRVIS REPORT - OVER 2-7 ORIGINAL ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) (Aeronautical Station) AIR FORCE TWO FIVE NINE THREE SIX THIS IS KINDLEY - GO AHEAD (Aircraft) FLASH - THE SIX JET BOMBERS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED AT ONE THREE FIVE ZERO ZULU BY AIR FORCE TWO FIVE NINE THREE SIX ARE NOW ONE THREE ZERO MILES WEST OF BERMUDA AT ONE FOUR THREE FIVE ZULU - HEADING TWO SEVEN ZERO DEGREES - OVER (Aeronautical Station) KINDLEY - ROGER - OUT NOTE: In radiotelegraph transmission, the same procedures would apply as prescribed in paragraph 204. b. Cancellation reports should be made in the event a pre- viously reported sighting is positively identified as friendly or that it has been erroneously reported. Such reports should be transmitted as a brief message cancelling the previous report(s). _Example of an air-ground radiotelephone transmission:_ (Aircraft) CIRVIS CIRVIS CIRVIS - KINDLEY THIS IS AIR FORCE TWO FIVE NINE THREE SIX - CIRVIS REPORT - OVER (Aeronautical Station) AIR FORCE TWO FIVE NINE THREE SIX THIS IS KINDLEY - GO AHEAD (Aircraft) FLASH - CANCEL CIRVIS REPORT OF ONE THREE FIVE ZERO ZULU BY AIR FORCE TWO FIVE NINE THREE SIX - SIX JET BOMBERS POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED AS AIR FORCE BRAVO FORTY SEVENS AT ONE FOUR FOUR SIX ZULU - OVER (Aeronautical Station) KINDLEY - ROGER - OUT NOTE: In radiotelegraph transmission, the same procedures would apply as prescribed in paragraph 204. c. A post landing report is desired immediately after landing by CINCNORAD or RCAF-ADC to amplify the airborne report(s). this may be filed with either the Canadian or United States military or civil communications facilities located at the place of landing. If the landing is not made in Canadian or United States territory the report should be 2-8 ORIGINAL ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) made to the nearest Canadian or United States military or diplomatic representative in that area. The post-landing report will refer to the airborne report(s) and, in addition, contain a brief resume of weather conditions at the time of sighting(s), verification of the sighting(s) by other personnel and any other information deemed appropriate. If the sighting was identified as friendly and a report so stating was filed while airborne, no post-landing report is required. (1) If no airborne report was made as a result of inability to reach a Canadian or United States communications station, the post landing report will contain all the information available concerning the sighting. 206. _Addressing._ a. Aircraft. - It is imperative that all CIRVIS reports reach the appropriate military commands as quickly as possible. The reports, therefore, shall be transmitted as soon as possible after the sighting. Ground procedures have been established to handle CIRVIS reports by Canadian-United States military and civil communications facilities, so the same procedures as those now established and in use by pilots for air traffic control shall be followed. When contact by civil or military pilots cannot be established with any ground communications station, maximum effort shall be made to relay the CIRVIS reports via other air craft with which communication is possible. {* Detachment Commander, AIRCOMHQ Detachment, } (1) Post-landing reports should be addressed to CINCNORAD/IN { |} Ent AFB, Colorado Springs, Colorado;{*}[CDR Canadian Forces, Air Defence { |} Group][Headquarters,] CFB North Bay, Hornell Heights, Ontario, POH 1PO, { |} or [CDR]Air Command, Canadian Forces Base Winnipeg, Westwin, Man, R2R OTO, { |} whichever is the more convenient if the sighting _occurred within the area_ _prescribed in paragraph 206b below._ Whichever of these headquarters receives the report will immediately notify the other and also all other addressees of the original report(s). If the sighting(s) occurred in other areas, the post-landing report should be made to the nearest US or Canadian military or diplomatic representative in that area who will forward the report as prescribed in subparagraph 206b(1). b. Communications Station. - Communications stations (to include any Canadian or United States civil or military facility such as control tower, naval shore radio station, approach control, ARTC center, or any other communications facility) receiving CIRVIS reports will immediately after receipting process the report as follows: 2-9 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) (1) US military fixed communications stations receiving CIRVIS reports on sightings in overseas areas will forward the report to the following addressees: (a) The operating service commands of the area involved. {| } (b) Commander-in-Chief, North American Air Defense {| } Command (CINCNORAD/IN), Ent AFB, Colorado Springs, Colorado. (c) Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command (CINCSAC), Offutt AFB, Nebraska. {| } (d) Chief of Staff, United States Air Force (CSAF/IN), {| } Washington, D. C. {| } (2) Canadian and US military fixed communications stations {| } receiving CIRVIS reports on sightings within the North American continent {| } or within waters bordering the North American continent will forward the {| } report to the following addressees: {| } {| } (a) Commander of the nearest joint air defense division, {| } command or group. {| } {| } (b) Commander-in-Chief, North American Air Defense Command {| } (CINCNORAD/IN), Ent AFB, Colorado Springs, Colorado. {| } {| } {*101 Colonel By Drive} {| } (c) [Chief of the Defence Staff,] National Defence Head- {| } quarters,{^} Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OK2, (Msg Address; NDHQ OTTAWA (For DGIS) {| } in the first line of text). {| } {| } (d) Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command (CINCSAC) , {| } Offutt AFB, Nebraska. {| } {| } (e) [Commander] Air Command, Canadian Forces Base Winnipeg, {| } Westwin, Man, R2R 0T0 (Message Address: AIRCOM WINNIPEG). {| } {| } (f) Appropriate Antisubmarine Warfare Force Commander; {| } {| } _1._ Commander Third Fleet (COMTHIRDFLT). {| } {| } _2._ Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Force U. S. {| } Pacific Fleet (COMASWFORPAC), Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 2-10 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) (g) Appropriate Fleet Commander-in-Chief: {|} {|} {|} _1._ Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANTFLT), {|} Norfolk, Virginia. {|} {|} _2._ Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT), {|} Makalapa, Hawaii. {|} {|} _3._ Commander-in-Chief, US Navy Forces Europe {|} (CINCUSNAVEUR), London, United Kingdom. {|} {|} (h) Chief of Staff, United States Air Force (CSAF), {|} Washington, D.C. {|} {|} (i) Commander, 22nd NORAD Region HQ, Canadian Forces {|} Base North Bay, Hornell Heights, Ont, POH 1PO ([Msg] Address: 22ND NRHQ {|} NORTH BAY). {Message} {|} {|} {Detachment Commander, AIRCOMHQ Detachment} {|} (j) [Air Defence Group Headquarters,] CFB North Bay, {|} Hornell Heights, Ont, POH 1PO (Msg Address: ADGHQ NORTH BAY). {|} {|} (k) Appropriate Maritime Commander in Command: {|} {|} _1._ [Commander,] Maritime command, FMO Halifax, NS B3K{|} 2X0 (Message Address: MARCOMHQ HALIFAX). {|} {|} _2._ Maritime Forces Pacific, FMO Victoria, BC, VOS {|} 1BO (Message Address: MARPACHQ ESQUIMALT). {|} {|} (l) The operating service commands of an overseas area {|} will be added as addressees if the direction of travel of the object is {|} toward an overseas area. {|} (3) Canadian and United States civil communications stations will handle CIRVIS reports received from either aircraft or other communications stations as follows: (a) Air carrier company stations will pass the CIRVIS report, exactly as received, to the nearest FAA or MOT ARTC center in {|} the same manner as air traffic control information. {|} (b) FAA or MOT communications stations, upon receipt of {|} a CIRVIS report will immediately pass the report so the appropriate ARTC {|} center. 2-11 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) {|} (c) FAA or MOT ARTC Centers. Upon receipt of CIRVIS {|}reports , ARTC centers will forward them immediately to the appropriate military facility as prescribed by agreement with the appropriate military commander. 207. _Acceptance of and Responsibility for CIRVIS Reports._ a. The following activities have responsibilities as follows: {|} (1) CINCNORAD or 22ND NRHQ NORTH BAY will review all CIRVIS {|}reports to ascertain that they have been addressed in accordance with paragraph 206 and forward reports to any omitted addressees in the United States and Canada respectively. These headquarters are the normal points of contact between the two countries and are responsible for passing CIRVIS reports of interest, including post-landing reports, to each other. (2) United States or Canadian military or diplomatic authori- ties in receipt of CIRVIS reports that have not been previously forwarded should take the action indicated in paragraph 206 without delay by the most rapid means available. (3) Chief of Staff, USAF, will disseminate CIRVIS reports to appropriate agencies in the Washington D.C. area. {|} (4) ADGHQ NORTH BAY and the Canadian Maritime Commanders will {|}be responsible for notifying National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa {|}concerning CIRVIS reports. (5) Sea Frontier Commanders will be responsible for notifying the Chief of Naval Operations and appropriate Fleet Commanders concerning CIRVIS reports, and for timely notification of other sea Frontier Commanders if the location of the reported contact warrants such notifi- cation. b. Fixed and mobile military communications facilities and military personnel having occasion to handle CIRVIS reports must lend assistance in all cases required in expediting CIRVIS reports. All civilian faci- lities and personnel are also urged to do so. Maximum effort must be made by all persons handling CIRVIS reports to insure positive immediate delivery. 2-12 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) c. WHEN A STATION RECEIVES A PARTIAL CIRVIS REPORT AND THE REMAINDER IS NOT IMMEDIATELY FORTHCOMING, IT WILL BE RELAYED OR DELIVERED IN THE SAME MANNER AS A COMPLETE REPORT. _SECTION III - SECURITY_ 208. _Military and Civilian._ Transmission of CIRVIS reports are subject to the U.S. Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the Canadian Radio Act of 1938, as amended. Any person who violates the provisions of these acts may be liable to prosecution thereunder. These reports contain information affecting the national defense of the United States and Canada. Any person who makes an unauthorized transmission or dis- closure of such a report may be liable to prosecution under Title 18 of {|} the US Code 793, Chapter 37, or the Canadian Official Secrets Act of 1939, {|} as amended. This should not be construed as requiring classification of CIRVIS messages. The purpose is to emphasize the necessity for the handling of such information within official channels only. _SECTION IV - EVALUATION REPORTS_ 209. _Action by Activities._ a. All investigative measures and evaluation processes instituted by addressees, will be handled in accordance with existing procedures and reported in accordance with these instructions, insuring that appro- priate commands as listed in paragraph 206 are kept fully informed of investigative results and evaluations. These evaluations shall be ex- pressed in terms indicating the reported sighting as being Positive, Probable, Possible, or No Threat _insofar as being a threat to the security_ _of the United States of America and Canada or their forces,_ or an explanation of the subject reported when known. b. The first two words of the text of an evaluation report shall be "CIRVIS EVALUATION" followed by the date and time of sighting and/or other identification of the CIRVIS report(s) being evaluated. 2-13 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) _SECTION V - COMMERCIAL CHARGES_ 210. _Charges._ a. All charges incurred in handling CIRVIS reports through U.S. facilities will be charged to the U.S. Department of the Air Force (accounting symbol "AF"). Insofar as practicable, CIRVIS reports so handled should be forwarded _XV GOVT/EMERGENCY COLLECT._ b. All charges incurred in handling CIRVIS reports through Canadian facilities will be charged to Canadian Armed Forces. Insofar as practicable, CIRVIS reports so handled will be forwarded _"RUSH COLLECT"._ c. Any or all questions of charges will be resolved after traffic has been handled. In no case should CIRVIS reports be delayed because of communication handling charges. 2-14 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) _CHAPTER III_ _MERINT REPORTS_ _SECTION 1 - GENERAL_ 301. _Information to be Reported and When to Report._ {|} {|} Units identified in paragraphs 102.b(3), (4), (5), and (6) are to {|} immediately report the following information if it could relate to {|} possible hostile action directed against Canada or the United States {|} or their forces: {|} {|} (1) Movement of Warsaw Pact/unidentified aircraft (single or {|} in formation). {|} {|} (2) Missile firings. {|} {|} (3) Movement of Warsaw Pact/unidentified submarines. {|} {|} (4) Movement of Warsaw Pact/unidentified group or groups of {|} surface combatants. {|} {|} (5) Any airborne, seaborne, ballistic or orbiting object {|} which, the observer feels, may constitute a military threat against the {|} U.S. or Canada, or may be of interest to military and civilian government {|} officials. {|} {|} (6) Individual surface ships, submarines or aircraft of un- {|} conventional design, or engaged in suspicious activities or observed in {|} an unusual location. {|} {|} (7) Any unexplained or unusual activity which may indicate {|} possible attack against or through the United States or Canada, includ- {|} ing the presence of any unidentified or other suspicious ground parties {|} in the Polar region or other remote or sparsely populated areas. {|} _SECTION II - PROCEDURES_ 302. _General._ a. Communications procedures to be employed will be basically those prescribed for the communications system or services used. Canadian and United States merchant ships will employ normal interna- tional commercial communication procedures and utilize existing commer- cial or military facilities as appropriate. Every effort will be made to obtain an acknowledgement for each MERINT message transmitted. Vessels which are manned by military or civil service personnel will use military communication procedure. 3-1 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) b. Every attempt will be made to verify the authenticity of MERINT reports. Where possible, authentication will be required. 303. _Precedence (priority of transmission)._ Transmission of MERINT reports should be preceded by the word "MERINT" spoken or transmitted three (3) times or by its alternate, the international "Urgency Signal". Additionally, the military precedence of "FLASH" shall be used if the report is addressed to military activities. When filed or refiled with commercial communications companies, U.S. Government activities will use the commercial class of service designator XV GOVT/EMERGENCY. Canadian Government activities will use the designator RUSH: Circuit Clearance MERINT MERINT MERINT International Urgency XXX XXX XXX or Signal (Alternate) PAN PAN PAN Military Precedence Z or FLASH Commercial Class of XV GOVT/EMERGENCY or Service Indicator RUSH 304. _Contents of MERINT Reports._ a. Whenever practicable MERINT reports should be substantiated with photographs (See paragraph 104). MERINT reports should contain the following as applicable in the order listed: (1) "MERINT" will always be the first word of the text. (2) Name and call letters of reporting ship. (3) Object sighted. Give brief description of the sighting which should contain the following items as appropriate: (a) Number of aircraft, vessels, missiles, submarines, etc. (b) Category of object, general description, 3-2 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) e.g.,size, shape, type of propulsion, etc. (4) Ship's position at time of sightings. (5) Date and time of sighting (GMT). (6) Altitude of object expressed as Low, Medium or High. (7) Direction of travel of object. (8) Speed of object. (9) Any observed identification, insignia, or other signif- icant information. Every reasonable effort should be made to positively identify the object sighted. (10) Conditions of sea and weather. _Example of a Radiotelephone Transmission:_ MERINT MERINT MERINT - WHISKEY ZULU TANGO - THIS IS KILO HOTEL WHISKEY MIKE - OVER KILO HOTEL WHISKEY MIKE - THIS IS - WHISKEY ZULU TANGO - OVER WHISKEY ZULU TANGO - THIS IS - KILO HOTEL WHISKEY MIKE MERINT SS TUNA KILO HOTEL WHISKEY MIKE SIGHTED FORMATION OF SIX JET BOMBERS AT AT 40N 50E AT 211500Z ALTITUDE MEDIUM HEADING 270 DEGREES TYPE OF AIRCRAFT NOT OBSERVED BEAUFORT WIND FORCE 3 SEA CALM - OVER _Example of a Radiotelegraph Transmission:_ MERINT MERINT MERINT - CFH DE KHWM K KHWM DE CFH K RUSH MERINT (REMAINDER OF TEXT) 211512Z JONES KHWM K 305. _Additional MERINT Reports._ a. Amplifying Reports. - (1) When additional information becomes available to any observer and is of importance, it is to be transmitted as a "MERINT AMPLIFY" report. 3-3 ORIGINAL ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) (2) Amplifying reports are to be handled in the same way as the original report except that the first two words of the text will be "MERINT AMPLIFY" followed by the date and time of filing of the MERINT report being amplified. (3) Amplifying reports on aerial objects normally consist of additional information pertaining to the sighted object's size; shape; description of jet or rocket streams; color; sound; if multiple objects, the number; type; method of propulsion; number of engines; insignia and estimated speed. (4) Amplifying reports on submarines or surface sightings normally consist of additional information on the state of sea and weather, including visibility; actions of object (course, speed, evasive maneuvers, etc.); identification marks, (flags, signals, numbers, exchange of communication); closest range at which object observed; any further remarks, (dived, surfaced, commenced snorkeling, stopped snorkeling, etc.) b. _Cancellation Reports._- (1) Cancellation reports should be made in the event a previously reported sighting is positively identified as friendly, erroneous or false. (2) MERINT cancellations are to be handled in the same manner as the original MERINT report except that the first two words shall be "MERINT CANCEL" followed by the date and time of filing of the MERINT report being cancelled and, in brief, the information on which the cancellation is based. c. _Delayed Reports._- In the event a MERINT report cannot be made by radio, the Master is requested to report the details of the MERINT sightings to the appropriate Canadian or United States military authorities. If the port of arrival is outside of Canada or USA, the report is to be made to the nearest Canadian or US military or dip- lomatic representative in the area. This report should be submitted immediately upon arrival in port by any available means and should be in the format prescribed in paragraph 304. If photographs were taken and have not already been forwarded, they should be forwarded as in- dicated in paragraph 104 as soon as possible after reaching 3-4 ORIGINAL ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) port. 306. _Addressing._ a. Vessels. (1) It is imperative that all MERINT reports reach the appropriate military commands as quickly as possible. The reports, therefore, shall be transmitted as soon as possible after the sighting. All Canadian or US vessels listed under paragraphs 102b(3), (4) and (5) are to transmit in plain language all MERINT reports to the nearest Canadian or US military government or commercial radio station, regardless of whether the vessel is Canadian or US registered. (2) Naval vessels which intercept MERINT reports from merchant vessels shall copy the report and immediately relay EXACTLY AS RECEIVED to the appropriate Canadian of US Navy shore radio station with relay instructions. b. Communications Stations. Communications stations (to include any commercial, government or military facility such as coastal marine radio station, telegraph office, naval or coast guard shore radio station or any other communications facility) receiving MERINT reports will immediately after receipting process the report as follows: (1) Canadian or US commercial or government communications stations will handle MERINT reports received from either vessels or other communications stations by immediately forwarding them to a Canadian or US military fixed communication facility as prescribed by agreement with the appropriate military commander. (2) US military fixed communications stations receiving MERINT reports on sightings in overseas areas will forward the report to the following addressees: (a) Operating service commands of the area involved. (b) Commander-in-Chief, North American Air Defense Command (CINCNORAD/IN), Ent AFB, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 3-5 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) (c) Chief of Staff, United States Air Force (CSAF/IN), Washington, D.C. (d) Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command (CINCSAC), Offutt AFB, Nebraska. {|} {|} (e) Chief of Naval Operations (OP-009/IP), Department {|}of Navy, Washington, D.C. 20350. {|} {|} (f) Director, Naval Ocean Surveillance Information Center, {|}4301 Suitland Road, Washington, D.C. 20390. {|} {|} (3) Canadian and US military fixed communications stations {|}receiving MERINT reports on sightings within the North American {|}continent or within waters bordering the North American continent will {|}forward the report to the following addressees: {|} {|} (a) Commander of the nearest joint air defense division, {|}command or group. {|} {|} (b) Commander-in-Chief, North American Air Defense Command {|}(CINCNORAD/IN), Ent AFB, Colorado Springs, Colorado. {|} {101 Colonel By Drive,} {|} (c) National Defence Headquarters,{^} Ottawa, Ontario, K1A {|}OK2 (Msg Address: NDHQ OTTAWA (For DGIS in the first line of text). {|} {|} (d) Air Command, Canadian Forces Base Winnipeg, Westwin, {|}Man, R2R OTO ([Msg] Address; AIRCOM WINNIPEG). {|} {message} {|} {|} (e) Appropriate Antisubmarine Warfare Force Commander: {|} {|} _1._ Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Force, US Atlantic {|}Fleet (COMASWFORLANT), Norfolk, Virginia. {|} {|} _2._ Commander Third Fleet (COMTHIRDFLT). {|} {|} (f) Appropriate Fleet Commanders-in-Chief: {|} {|} _1._ Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANTFLT), {|}Norfolk, Virginia. {|} {|} _2._ Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT), {|}Makalapa, Hawaii. {|} {|} _3._ Commander-in-Chief, US Navy Forces Europe {|}(CINCUSNAVEUR), London, United Kingdom. {|} {|} {|} (g) Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, (CSAF), {|}Washington , D. C. 3-6 Change No. 2 ============================================================================= JANAP 146 (E) (h) Commander, 22nd NORAD Region HQ, Canadian Forces {|} Base North Bay, Hornell Heights, Ont, POH 1PO, (Msg Address: 22ND NRHQ {|} NORTH BAY). {|} {|} {Detachment Commander, AIRCOMHQ Detachment} {|}